About Us


Our Story

We continue this drive for innovation with advancements in quality made possible through our investments in modern technology. Day by day, innovation by innovation, and catch by catch, each brand in our portfolio has earned a distinct and unique reputation with modern anglers worldwide.


Superior customer service for our anglers and our retail partners is a commitment we make to keep our brands a vibrant part of today’s angling experience. The growth of our brands represent more than just business, it’s our deep respect for the importance of fishing to a growing number of anglers worldwide. Pure Fishing is dedicated to helping anglers everywhere have more fun catching more fish.

As fishermen and women, we would never accept anything less than premium quality, so we hold ourselves to that same standard.


Ever since fishing Essentials Shop was founded on the outskirts of North Carolina in 2010, we have worked hard to maintain the pioneering spirit that gave us that early edge. Thanks to the passion and inventiveness of our employees and fishing friends across the globe, that spirit has never been easier to keep strong.

We are proud to sponsor and support promotional staffers from around the world. Each pro staffer brings something unique to the table, whether in terms of locations they fish in, the species they go after, or their preferred style. We urge you to pick out your favorites and follow them – we promise they’ll leave you feeling inspired.
Fishing essentials shop
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Wide Selection from the multiple categories of our products collection.

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Completely family owned business, best quality products here always.

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Customer satisfaction guaranteed always from our end.

Fair Prices

All products are on fair prices always you get it from here.

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